Consent-Management-Platform Contao Consent (hofff/contao-consent)
To make it easier for us to ask for your consent to the use of cookies or other tracking technologies so that we can process your device information and personal data when you visit our website, we use the consent tool “Contao Consent” (hofff/contao-consent). “Contao Consent” gives you the opportunity to accept or decline the processing of your device information and personal data using cookies or other tracking technologies for the purposes listed in the “Contao Consent” tool. Such processing purposes may include the integration of external elements, integration of streamed content, statistical analysis, reach measurement and personalised advertising. You can use “Contao Consent” to grant or refuse your consent for all processing purposes, or to grant or refuse your consent for individual purposes or third-party providers. You can change your settings again later on. The purpose of integrating “Contao Consent” is to allow users of our website to decide whether to allow cookies and similar technologies, and to offer them the opportunity to change settings that they have already made when they continue to use our website. When “Contao Consent” is used, we process personal data as well as information from the devices used. No data is sent to a third-party provider. The information about the settings you have made is stored locally on your device. The legal basis for the processing is Art. 6(1) Sentence 1(c) GDPR in conjunction with Art. 7(1) GDPR, insofar as the processing serves to fulfil the legally standardised obligations to provide evidence for the granting of consent. Otherwise, Art. 6(1) Sentence 1(f) GDPR is the relevant legal basis. Our legitimate interests in this processing lie in the storage of users’ settings and preferences with regard to the use of cookies and other features. A new request for your consent will be made twelve months after you saved your user settings. Your user settings will then be saved again for this period, unless you delete the information about your user settings yourself beforehand in your device’s settings.
You may object to the processing, insofar as processing is based on Art. 6(1) Sentence 1(f) GDPR. Your right of objection exists if you have reasons arising from your particular situation. You can send us your objection via the contact details listed in the “Responsible person” section.
Google Tag Manager
Our website uses “Google Tag Manager”, which is provided by “Google” (Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, fax: +353 (1) 436 1001). “Google Tag Manager” is a solution that allows website tags and other elements to be managed through a single interface.
Firstly, when you visit the website with “Google Tag Manager”, an HTTP request is sent to “Google”. As a result, device information and personal data – such as your IP address and information about your browser settings – are transmitted to “Google”. We use “Google Tag Manager” to facilitate electronic communications by providing information to third-party providers, including through programming interfaces. “Google Tag Manager” implements the respective tracking codes of the third-party providers without us having to go to the effort of changing the source code of the website ourselves. Instead, integration is performed by a container that places what is known as placeholder code in the source code. “Google Tag Manager” also enables the exchange of users’ data parameters in a certain order, in particular by ordering and systematising the data packets. In isolated cases, your data will also be transferred to the US. So-called standard contractual clauses have been concluded with “Google” to ensure that an appropriate level of data protection is maintained. A copy of the standard contractual clauses is available on request. The legal basis for this processing is Art. 6(1) Sentence 1(f) GDPR. We have legitimate interests in the processing for the purposes of facilitating and carrying out electronic communication by identifying communication endpoints, control options, exchanging data elements in a defined order, and identifying transmission errors. “Google Tag Manager” does not initiate data storage. For further information about privacy at “Google”, please refer to:
You may object to the processing, insofar as processing is based on Art. 6(1) Sentence 1(f) GDPR. Your right of objection exists if you have reasons arising from your particular situation. You can prevent the processing by deleting the browser history and other website data in your browser settings or by opening your browser in “private mode”.
On the other hand, “Google Tag Manager” integrates tags from third-party providers, such as tracking codes or tracking pixels, on our website. The tool triggers other tags, which in turn record your data; our privacy policy explains this separately in each case. “Google Tag Manager” itself does not evaluate the device information and personal data of users collected by the tags. Rather, your data is forwarded to the respective third-party service for the purposes specified in our consent management tool. We have configured “Google Tag Manager” to work with our consent management tool in such a way that triggering certain third-party services in “Google Tag Manager” depends on the selections you make in our consent management tool, so that only those tags from third-party providers trigger data processing for which you have given consent. The use of “Google Tag Manager” is subject to your consent for the specific third-party service. The legal basis of this processing is your consent under Art. 6(1) Sentence 1(a) GDPR. “Google” also processes the data in part in the US. The EU Commission has not issued an adequacy decision for data transfers to the US; the legal basis for transfers to the US is your consent under Art. 49(1) Sentence 1(a) GDPR. The following descriptions of the individual third-party services specify how long your data will be stored in each case. For further information about privacy at “Google”, please refer to:
You can withdraw your consent to the processing and transfers to third countries at any time by moving the slider back for the respective third-party provider in the consent tool “Settings”. This does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent prior to the withdrawal.